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- Copyright Notice for Powerpacker Patcher
- (This notice shall apply to all current and future versions of PP)
- Copyright
- This program and the related documentation are copyright. You may not
- use, copy, modify, or transfer the program or documentation or any copy
- except as expressly provided in this document.
- This program and the related documentation may be redistributed to and by
- public networks or individuals only in whole, and only for a basic fee
- covering the distribution expences. The PP program and the related
- documentation must not be distributed as part of any commercial product
- without a written permission from the author of PP.
- Special licenses are available for people or organizations that wish to
- distribute the executable 'PP' program alone, as part of their PD
- distribution disks.
- Program Disclaimer & Liability
- This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
- of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as
- to the results and performance of this program is assumed by you. Should
- the program prove defective, you alone assume the entire cost of all
- necessary servicing, repair, or correction. Further, the author of PP
- neither warrants, guarantees, or makes any representations regarding the use
- of, or the results of the use of, the program in terms of corrections,
- accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise; and you rely on the
- program and results solely at your own risk. The author of PP can in no
- event be held responsible for any data or information which may be lost or
- rendered inaccurate by PP, even if the author of PP has been advised of the
- possibility of such damages.
- Summary:
- In a nutshell: Don't change PP. Don't distribute PP for money, and only
- distribute it in full (program as well as documentation). It's okay to use
- it, just don't blame me if it does something awful to one or more of your
- files. Okay?